What to Include in Your Data Room for Investors

It’s important that you create an Investor Data Room regardless of whether you’re raising Series A or Seed funding. This virtual “room”, which is used to track and communicate all the information an investor requires in order in order to decide whether or not to invest in your company, enables you to do exactly that.

Investor presentations are the most obvious aspect to include in your data room for investors. This will give them an overview of the company’s history along with financials, as well as http://vdrdata.com/tips-on-getting-the-best-venture-capital-deal-possible/ forward facing projections. This information can be put in your investor dataroom to streamline due diligence and allow investors to go deeper into the details.

It is also essential to keep all your current accounting records in your Data room for investors. This will give historical information to allow investors to conduct a discounted-cash flow analysis. In any Data room that is available to investors, a solid financial model that allows an analyst to look at the assumptions and resilience of your company’s ability to withstand market volatility is crucial. Many startups struggle to create this kind of model and often hire an expert to help. Sturppy is a financial modeling system that is intuitive and easy to use. It is used by more than four hundred startups.

Depending on your company’s stage and stage, you might also need to include: