The Importance of Gratitude in Recovery

The tendency to feel grateful is a mental attitude that can be developed. It is particularly important that people recovering from an addiction try to cultivate this positive outlook, because it can help to ensure their success in the future. At Lifeskills South Florida, we are here for those seeking help with a drug or alcohol addiction. Entering treatment is the first step to recovery, and we focus on equipping clients with coping and self-care skills for reintegration back into life once out of treatment.

  • This, in addition to buprenorphine’s pharmacological and safety profile, makes it an attractive treatment for patients addicted to opioids.
  • Practicing gratitude in recovery helps to cultivate positive feelings to get rid of the negative force that seems to be surrounding their lives.
  • This is not to say negative emotions should be overlooked or ignored, but obsessive or continuous negative thinking is hazardous to a healthy recovery.
  • As the holidays roll in at the end of the year, people spend time reflecting on what they are grateful for.
  • They will tend to see problems as a chance to grow rather than some type of attitude.
  • Personally, when I’m writing a ‘Thank You’ card, I get the warm and fuzzies.

We arehumble to realize that we have caused pain in our own lives and the lives of others because of our disease, and wehumble ourselves to apologize for our part. People who are brimming with gratitude are generally more compassionate, helpful and generous than those who are not. When you are grateful, you are much more likely to want to help and support others. This can foster even greater feelings of gratitude for yourself and for other people. Serving others is also a beneficial way to support your long-term addiction recovery. If you’re having difficulty staying clean or battling cravings, it might be best to seek help at a reputable drug rehab center.

The benefits of gratitude in recovery

Think about the circumstances and how they led to the event. Imagine your life if it hadn’t happened and how your life is better for it.

  • If you’re new to recovery and you’d like to have more gratitude, here are nine practical ways to practice gratitude in recovery.
  • You may have noticed that the benefits of gratitude described above are related in various ways.
  • Take joy in the tiny things that bring you the bright feeling of happiness, taking note of each and giving thanks for them internally, as well as outwardly.
  • Sometimes addiction can even lead to imagined negative situations, like believing friends and family who just want to help are against you.
  • These thoughts, as mentioned, can tend to be negative, always seeing what is wrong and what we don’t want.

Usually first thing upon waking or right before bed work best. You can start with a list of three things, then move to five as it gets easier. By writing down what you are grateful for on a daily basis, you will train your brain to search for the good things in your life. We all know that having positive thoughts leads to experiencing more positive emotions. That’s why positive affirmations and visualizations have become so popular in many self-help systems. For many in recovery, cultivating positive thoughts on a consistent basis is an uphill battle. People may be haunted by perceived past failures, betrayals, abandonment, trauma, and low self-esteem, leading to levels of anxiety and depression that are hard to cope with.

Gratitude Exercises for Recovery

Most importantly, helping others around you whenever possible is a chance to show your gratitude for their presence in your life. Small actions can go a long way in showing others how you feel about their existence. Showing kindness to friends, family, and even strangers can be a way to why is gratitude important in recovery get away from the state of mind that you’re alone in your journey. It’s easier to look at the struggles of recovery as a prison rather than a gift during the early stages. However, if you’re grateful for the chance of recovery, it’s far more likely that you’ll stick with it in the end.

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This type of perspective will cultivate unhealthy attitudes towards life, towards relationships, towards jobs, towards everything. It leads to comparing our life to someone else’s that we perceive to have “better” or “more” of what we do not have, and that in turn leads to frustration and anger and resentment. Twelve Step fellowships caution to always be aware of resentments for they are the root causes of most relapses back into active addiction.

Gratitude improves your mental health.

During active addiction, we may have taken friends and family for granted or overlooked the simple pleasures in life. And when we looked for the worst qualities in every situation, we created a self-fulfilling prophecy of negativity. If you are struggling with addiction, it may seem like there is no end to it. Drug rehab in Payson will make addiction recovery possible for you.

  • Often, those in recovery, forget to show gratitude to themselves for all they have overcome and accomplished.
  • Gratitude and being grateful are terms heard often in recovery.
  • You can do this daily, weekly, or with any frequency that works for you.
  • Gratitude practice makes you more likely to exercise and make other healthy lifestyle choices.

This can be as simple as thanking the people in your life, but you can take it farther by helping others. Try finding a volunteer position in something you feel passionate about, such as an animal shelter or food bank. This will help you feel even more grateful for what you have.

Focus on What you Have

I Especially offer gratitude to Tamisha, Tiffany, Kristy and Georgie. Gratitude truly is for everyone, but it is so powerful for those struggling through recovery.