How does encryption work? Examples and video walkthrough

The payment information submitted was not encrypted and visible to anyone keeping an eye, including the website owner. While there are multiple schools of thought, encryption is one of the foundations of privacy. Companies and governments should work to preserve it, and collaborate with experts to build secure communication channels. Cryptography is central in providing secure communications online. It has evolved and entered new channels to deny access and preserve the integrity of information.

how does cryptography work

Modern algorithms like AES and Twofish are more complex and so more difficult to crack. Most trustworthy SSL/TLS certificates use AES encryption to secure data transferred online and we’ll investigate AES in an upcoming article. They say that a secret is not a secret if it is known to more than one person. While it is not a recommended practice, sharing a private key pair is necessary at times. Corporate signing Keys, for example, are private keys used by a company to sign — for example — legal documents, sensitive personnel information, or press releases to authenticate their origin. In such a case, it is worthwhile for multiple members of the company to have access to the private key.

After over 30 years in the IT industry, he is now a full-time technology journalist. During his career, he has worked as a freelance programmer, manager of an international software development team, an IT services project manager, and, most recently, as a Data Protection Officer. His writing has been published by,,, and

It can protect communications that traverse untrusted networks. There are two main types of attacks that an adversary may attempt to carry out on a network. Passive attacks involve an attacker simply listening on a network segment and attempting to read sensitive information as it travels.

Historical Significance of Cryptography

To obtain an X.509 certificate, you must ask a CA to issue you a certificate. You provide your public key, proof that you possess the corresponding private key, and some specific information about yourself. You then digitally sign the information and send the whole package — the certificate request — to the CA.

Each of these has some information on it identifying you and some authorization stating that someone else has confirmed your identity. Some certificates, such as your passport, are important enough confirmation of your identity that you would not want to lose them, lest someone use them to impersonate you. One would think, then, that strong cryptography would hold up rather well against even an extremely determined cryptanalyst.

Automate Quantum-Safe Certificate Management

Today’s super-encryption tools that we use to protect you on the internet are all open standards. Cryptography is the science of taking data and making it hidden in some way so that other people can’t see it and then bringing the data back. It’s not confined to espionage but is really a part of everyday life in digital filesharing, business transactions, texts and phone calls. Homomorphic encryption security is based upon the ring-learning with errors problem, which is a hard mathematical problem related to high-dimensional lattices. With many peer-reviewed research confirming the difficulty of the RLWE problem gives confidence that the schemes are at least as secure as any standardized encryption system. In such cases, look no further than MirrorFly, as their brainy in-house developers have taken care of the security and compliance part very well.

Cryptography is nowadays one of the most important topics of the internet security era which provides trust and enables a safe way to perform telematic business. There’s no option to operate without cryptography on the internet if there is private or sensitive information to be shared or processed, especially with the current regulations like the GDPR and CCPA . It should be noted that the asymmetric cryptography used in cryptocurrency applications is different from those used for computer security purposes. Bitcoin and Ethereum, for instance, use a specific algorithm to verify transactions, known as the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm . Also, the ECDSA creates digital signatures without the use of encryption. This means that blockchain doesn’t need encryption, unlike many tend to believe.


In the next section on ‘what is cryptography’, you will understand how to go ahead with it. Cryptography was not always the sophisticated science of mathematics. One of the first attempts to safeguard confidential information relates to alphabet manipulation. Bystanders or eavesdroppers should not be able to modify, alter or delete the contents of messages. During the information exchange, both participants and data sources need authentication.

how does cryptography work

In such a case it is wise to split the key among multiple people in such a way that more than one or two people must present a piece of the key in order to reconstitute it to a usable condition. If too few pieces of the key are available, then the key is unusable. The CA distributes the CRL to users at some regularly scheduled interval (and potentially off-cycle, whenever a certificate is revoked). Theoretically, this will prevent users from unwittingly using a compromised certificate.

Applications: When to use homomorphic encryption

The keys, represent a shared secret between the participating parties to maintain a private information link. I say alone because symmetric and asymmetric are often used together when comparing symmetric algorithms. Cryptographic techniques are improving all the time, and there will soon come a time when quantum computers could render classic encryption methods useless .

AES encryption has now been widely used for diversified sectors. And, many businesses are now combining this algorithm with NIST – issued cryptographic algorithms to boost and enhance the encryption of business data. This algorithm is also known by many as a ‘block cipher‘ as it divides the data into chunks of sections called blocks. Whenever there is a high risk of exposure to sensitive information, AES is one of those acronyms that gets popped up. That’s because this encryption standard is flawless, fast, and secure which helps keep hackers from prying on our digital data. If you are looking to learn further on encryptions, cryptography and other fundamental concepts and skills in cybersecurity, Simplilearn’s Cyber Security Expert Master’s program should be a great fit for you.

  • Two examples are Captain Midnight’s Secret Decoder Ring, which you may have owned when you were a kid, and Julius Caesar’s cipher.
  • For this to be considered strong Encryption, we shouldn’t be able to figure out the key from the ciphertext and we shouldn’t be able to get plaintext back from the ciphertext without the key.
  • The Data Encryption Standard is an example of a conventional cryptosystemthat is widely employed by the Federal Government.
  • It is to be noted that cryptography isn’t entirely limited to the 21st century.
  • Analyze the traffic passing through the network when you use the website.

Ensuring PKI solutions can provide adequate protection for these systems and data against quantum computing attacks is essential. This means that new quantum-safe algorithms must be developed and that businesses must migrate to new, quantum-safe certificates. The task of migrating to new digital certificates requires a well-planned effort to upgrade PKI systems and the applications using these certificates.

What Are the Applications of Cryptography?

Now, regular users can take advantage of its sophisticated protection for their everyday needs. Transposition ciphers are where the characters in the plaintext are scrambled, or as we call it in cryptography, permutated. The resulting ciphertext has the same characters as the plaintext just jumbled.

How does Cryptography work?

You might consider Alice fairly trustworthy and also consider Bob fairly trustworthy. Either one alone runs the risk of accidentally signing a counterfeit key, so you might not place complete trust in either one. However, the odds that both individuals signed the same phony key are probably small. Every user in a public key system is vulnerable to mistaking a phony key for a real one.

The public key is not confidential and can be shared on e.g. a website or keyserver. This allows anyone to send somebody a secure message by encrypting it with the receivers public key. The encrypted message will only be readable by the owner of the corresponding private key. The key forms the shared secret and should only be known to trusted parties. The nonce is not secret and is stored or sent along with the ciphertext.

You will also find a different form of non-repudiation in the Blockchain of digital currencies. The logic does not necessarily identify a person, but instead a digital wallet. Likewise, it’s used to track how does cryptography work the freshly generated coins on the ledger from mining, and the movement of those funds. In this case we may not know the owner of the digital wallet, but they can not deny that a transaction occurred.

Julius Caesar used a substitution shift to move alphabets a certain number of spaces beyond their place in the alphabet table. A spy cannot decipher the original message at first glance. With so many different avenues where cryptography has found its place, its implementation is distinct.

This type of cryptography is tough for both classical computers and quantum ones to solve, making it a good candidate to be the basis of approach for a post-quantum cryptographic algorithm. One issue with public key cryptosystems is that users must be constantly vigilant to ensure that they are encrypting to the correct person’s key. In an environment where it is safe to freely exchange keys via public servers, man-in-the-middle attacks are a potential threat. In this type of attack, someone posts a phony key with the name and user ID of the user’s intended recipient. Data encrypted to — and intercepted by — the true owner of this bogus key is now in the wrong hands.

In addition, it can also provide integrity protection of data at rest to detect malicious tampering. The practice of turning a plaintext into a ciphertext, encryption practices are followed. To turn a ciphertext into a plaintext, decryption practices are followed. Also, the encryption key used was not required to be shared with them for processing the numbers.