Project Loom: Lightweight Java threads

CompletableFuture and RxJava are quite commonly used APIs, to name a few. These APIs do not block the thread in case of a delay. Instead, it gives the application a concurrency construct over the Java threads to manage their work. One downside of this solution is that these APIs are complex, and their integration with legacy APIs is also a pretty complex process. These threads cannot handle the level of concurrency required by applications developed nowadays. For instance, an application would easily allow up to millions of tasks execution concurrently, which is not near the number of threads handled by the operating system.

Project Loom introduces lightweight and efficient virtual threads called fibers, massively increasing resource efficiency while preserving the same simple thread abstraction for developers. A separate Fiber class might allow us more flexibility to deviate from Thread, but would also present some challenges. If the scheduler is written in Java — as we want — every fiber even has an underlying Thread instance.

It’s just a different way of performing or developing software. I will not go into the API too much because it’s subject to change. You essentially say Thread.startVirtualThread, as opposed to new thread or starting a platform thread. A platform thread is your old typical user threads, that’s actually a kernel thread, but we’re talking about virtual threads here.

  • I get better performance when I use a thread pool with Executors.newCachedThreadPool().
  • Once this happens , we complete the futures causing the replies to be sent.
  • This allows the JVM to take advantage of its knowledge about what’s happening in the virtual threads when making decision on which threads to schedule next.
  • The main goal of this project is to add a lightweight thread construct, which we call fibers, managed by the Java runtime, which would be optionally used alongside the existing heavyweight, OS-provided, implementation of threads.

He is also an international speaker and published author. If the thread executing handleOrder() is interrupted, the interruption is not propagated to the subtasks. In this case updateInventory() and updateOrder() will leak and continue to run in the background.

From that perspective, I don’t believe Project Loom will revolutionize the way we develop software, or at least I hope it won’t. It will significantly change the way libraries or frameworks can be written so that we can take advantage of them. User threads and kernel threads aren’t actually the same thing. User threads are created by the JVM every time you say newthread.start.

Fibers: Virtual threads in Java

It is, however, a very serious challenge to make continuation cloning useful enough for such uses, as Java code stores a lot of information off-stack, and to be useful, cloning would need to be “deep” in some customizable way. In any event, a fiber that blocks its underlying kernel thread will trigger some system event that can be monitored with JFR/MBeans. Let’s look at some examples that show the power of virtual threads. The new virtual threads in Java 19 will be pretty easy to use. Compare the below with Golang’s goroutines or Kotlin’s coroutines. With this new version, the threads look much better .

The tricky part when testing Saft is that Raft is a time-based algorithm, with all the consequences that it brings. In the Loom implementation, we have no choice but to live with time-sensitive tests. For example, to wait for a leader to be elected, we need to continuously probe the nodes , or take a simpler approach of waiting long enough until an election is most probably completed successfully. If you ever wrote tests which involve Thread.sleep, you probably know that they are fragile and prone to flakiness. On a syntactic level, things are again quite similar, with the same almost mechanical process needed to translate between the two. The points at which interruption might happen are also quite different.

These mechanisms are not set in stone yet, and the Loom proposal gives a good overview of the ideas involved. However, forget about automagically scaling up to a million of private threads in real-life scenarios without knowing what you are doing. The problem with real applications is them doing silly things, like calling databases, working with the file system, executing REST calls or talking to some sort of queue/stream.

Java 19 Delivers Features for Projects Loom, Panama and Amber –

Java 19 Delivers Features for Projects Loom, Panama and Amber.

Posted: Tue, 20 Sep 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

So, if a CPU has four cores, there may be multiple event loops but not exceeding to the number of CPU cores. This approach resolves the problem of context switching but introduces lots of complexity in the program itself. project loom java This type of program also scales better, which is one reason reactive programming has become very popular in recent times. Vert.x is one such library that helps Java developers write code in a reactive manner.

Why do we need Loom?

Disappointed with the quality of software written these days (so often by himself!), hates long methods and hidden side… When you create a new Thread in Java a system call is done to the OS telling it to create a new system thread. Creating a system thread is expensive because the call takes up much time, and each thread takes up some memory. Your threads also share the same CPU, so you don’t want them to block it, causing other threads to wait unnecessarily. Each platform thread had to process ten tasks sequentially, each lasting about one second. The APIs have been incubating independently for a few releases and have seen some revamps during that time, but Java 19 probably puts an end to that.

For every incoming request, a thread is needed to process the request. One Java thread corresponds to one operating system thread, and those are resource-hungry. You should not start more than a few hundred; otherwise, you risk the stability of the entire system. Project Loom has revisited all areas in the Java runtime libraries that can block and updated the code to yield if the code encounters blocking.

Java fibers in action

Typically, ExecutorService has a pool of threads that can be reused in case of new VirtualThreadExecutor, it creates a new virtual thread every time you submit a task. You can also create a ThreadFactory if you need it in some API, but this ThreadFactory just creates virtual threads. This is overblown, because everyone says millions of threads and I keep saying that as well. That’s the piece of code that you can run even right now. You can download Project Loom with Java 18 or Java 19, if you’re cutting edge at the moment, and just see how it works. If you put 1 million, it will actually start 1 million threads, and your laptop will not melt and your system will not hang, it will simply just create these millions of threads.

project loom java

Continuations that you see in here are actually quite common in different languages. You have coroutines or goroutines, in languages like Kotlin and Go. All of these are actually very similar concepts, which are finally brought into the JVM.

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We would also want to obtain a fiber’s stack trace for monitoring/debugging as well as its state (suspended/running) etc.. In short, because a fiber is a thread, it will have a very similar API to that of heavyweight threads, represented by the Thread class. With respect to the Java memory model, fibers will behave exactly like the current implementation of Thread. While fibers will be implemented using JVM-managed continuations, we may also want to make them compatible with OS continuations, like Google’s user-scheduled kernel threads. I will be talking about Project Loom, which is not yet available. It’s a project that allows us developers to write concurrent code in a much, much different way, in a much simpler way.

project loom java

It is also possible to split the implementation of these two building-blocks of threads between the runtime and the OS. Splitting the implementation the other way — scheduling by the OS and continuations by the runtime — seems to have no benefit at all, as it combines the worst of both worlds. One of Java’s most important contributions when it was first released, over twenty years ago, was the easy access to threads and synchronization primitives. Java threads provided a relatively simple abstraction for writing concurrent applications.

How would you describe the persona and level of your target audience?

Besides the actual stack, it actually shows quite a few interesting properties of your threads. For example, it shows you the thread ID and so-called native ID. It turns out, these IDs are actually known by the operating system. If you know the operating system’s utility called top, which is a built in one, it has a switch -H. With the H switch, it actually shows individual threads rather than processes. After all, why does this top utility that was supposed to be showing which processes are consuming your CPU, why does it have a switch to show you the actual threads?

project loom java

Michael Rasmussen is a product manager for JRebel by Perforce, previously having worked more than 10 years on the core technology behind JRebel. His professional interests include everything Java, as well as other languages and technologies for the JVM, including an unhealthy obsession with java bytecode. Loom has the upper hand when it comes to syntax familiarity and simpler types (no viral Future / IO wrappers). ZIO, on the other hand, wins in its interruption implementation, testing capabilities, and uniformity.

Where is Loom used?

So, if you’re so inclined, go try it out, and provide feedback on your experience to the OpenJDK developers, so they can adapt and improve the implementation for future versions. Like any other preview feature, to take advantage of it, you need to add the –enable-preview JVM argument while compiling and running. As the environment in which the program description is fully controlled, in tests ZIO uses a TestClock along with a test interpreter. We can arbitrarily push the clock forward—time does not flow on its own in a test; only when we request it to.

Inside Java

They are not bound to a certain OS thread, but can be attached and detached from OS threads. Look, I know I promised you an introduction to the vector API but today’s not a good day for that. I’m running out of time and I really want to get back to those Gin Tonics that I mentioned and… Ok, let’s make it quick and do something deeper in the future. We very much look forward to our collective experience and feedback from applications. Our focus currently is to make sure that you are enabled to begin experimenting on your own.

Not only does it imply a one-to-one relationship between app threads and operating system threads, but there is no mechanism for organizing threads for optimal arrangement. For instance, threads that are closely related may wind up sharing different processes, when they could benefit from sharing the heap on the same process. And yes, it’s this type of I/O work where Project Loom will potentially shine.

Structured Concurrency

In addition, the database drivers and drivers for other external services must also support the reactive model. This is because JDK 19 includes JEP 425 as a preview feature. To overcome this problem, Project Loom introduces Virtual Threads with JEP 425. These are a lightweight version of Threads that just behave like a normal Java thread, but you can create as many as you want of them.