Alcohol-Related Neurologic Disease: Types, Signs, Treatment

alcohol neuropathy

No amount of alcohol is safe to drink while pregnant, according to the CDC. Up to 46 percent of people with alcohol-related what is alcoholism myopathy showed noticeable reductions in strength compared with people without the condition. This is a severe and short-term neurologic disease that can be life threatening.

Recovery from Alcoholic Neuropathy

Once you stop alcohol intake, a doctor can address your specific symptoms. Doctors tailor specific treatments and alcohol abstinence programs to the individual. The alcohol will continue to circulate in the bloodstream and eventually affect other organs.

  • The primary aim of this systematic review was to establish the prevalence, character, and risk factors of peripheral neuropathy amongst chronic alcohol abusers and to identify the most appropriate management strategies.
  • Alcohol-related neurologic disease refers to a range of conditions caused by alcohol intake that affect the nerves and nervous system.
  • To combat these deficiencies, supplementation with vitamin B12, folate, vitamin E, and thiamine may be recommended.
  • The toxic effects of alcohol may damage your peripheral nerves, which play a role in movement and sensation.

Is alcoholic neuropathy permanent?

alcohol neuropathy

This nerve damage causes an individual to experience pain and motor weakness, first in the feet and hands and then progressing centrally. Alcoholic polyneuropathy is caused primarily by chronic alcoholism; however, vitamin deficiencies are also known to contribute to its development. This disease typically occurs in chronic alcoholics who have some sort of nutritional deficiency.

Understanding and treating alcoholic neuropathy

Wearing socks to bed can help warm your feet and reduce discomfort for individuals with neuropathic pain. However, it is important to ensure socks are tight, as poor circulation can worsen neuropathy symptoms. When significantly limiting or stopping alcohol consumption, receiving ongoing support is essential. Deficiencies in these nutrients can harm overall health and prevent nerves from functioning correctly.


alcohol neuropathy

Amongst those who did not respond to thiamine, two patients with grade I neuropathy and one with grade II responded with the correction of low circulating nicotinic acid. One patient with grade I neuropathy responded with the correction of low pantothenic acid. One patient with grade III neuropathy responded with the correction of low circulating vitamin B6. This study showed that as well as thiamine replacement, corrections of low circulating levels of nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid and vitamin B6 can result in an improvement of alcohol-related peripheral neuropathies.

The sometimes-conflicting findings between biopsy findings may be representative of the complex interplay of pathological factors in alcohol-related peripheral neuropathy and is indicative of the need for further research in this area. The best way to prevent further nerve damage and improve symptoms is alcohol neuropathy to stop consuming alcohol. Additionally, improving your diet with nutrient-rich foods, especially those high in thiamine, can significantly boost your recovery.

  • Ethanol and its toxic degradation metabolites affect neuronal metabolism including the metabolic pathways of nucleus, lysosomes, peroxisomes, endoplasmatic reticulum and cytoplasm 21.
  • While it is difficult to reverse all the nerve damage, symptoms can improve significantly with proper treatment, including quitting alcohol and addressing nutritional deficiencies.
  • The damage may affect the autonomic nerves (those that regulate internal body functions) and the nerves that control movement and sensation.
  • Alcohol is toxic to nerve cells, and its presence can impair the way nerves function.
  • A doctor may also recommend treatments to manage neurological symptoms, such as pain relief medications, physical therapy, and mobility aids.
  • The hyperalgesia was acutely attenuated by intradermal injection of nonselective PKC or selective PKCε inhibitors injected at the site of nociceptive testing.

Decreased Sensation

alcohol neuropathy

When this message is interrupted due to damaged nerves, the muscles cannot function as they normally would. Alcoholic neuropathy occurs when too much alcohol damages the peripheral nerves. This can be permanent, as alcohol can cause changes to the nerves themselves. Deficiencies in B6 and B12, thiamine, folate, niacin, and vitamin E can make it worse. Nerve damage from chronic alcohol consumption can develop over several years. The available data addressing the role of hepatic dysfunction is presently inconclusive.